god's Word

"Grant that I am human, that I hurt, that I can cry. Not that I not ask alms in sham gone hollow, nor cringe outside the loud and sumptuous gate, admit me to our mutual estate." Gwendolyn Brooks


Contact Us

Saint Martin's College and Seminary

P.O. Box 170106
Milwaukee, WI 53217

Phone or Fax: 414.247.1451

Adult High School Diploma Program

If you are an adult high school drop out or a home schooler, home study is an ideal way to earn your high school diploma.

You can't overestimate the value of a high school diploma. It may help you take advantage of exciting career options, qualify for a more satisfying job, pursue post high school education and enjoy a greater sense of self esteem.

We are confident you'll be glad you decided to complete this important part of your education at Saint Martin's College.

Credit by Examination - Life Experience - Portfolio Assessment

Saint Martin's College does not endorse, guarantee or warrant the credentials or work of any individual student. Saint Martin's College does not constitute the grant of an accredited Diploma or authority by or on behalf of the organization as to the student's qualifications, abilities or expertise.

Cost: $500 - $1000

Saint Martin's College and Seminary
P.O. Box 170106
Milwaukee, WI 53217

Phone or Fax: 414.247.1451