god's Word

Why We Support the Jews and Israel

  • Zechariah Ch. 12 & 14
  • Genesis Ch. 12:1-3
  • Genesis Ch. 15:18
  • John Ch. 18 & 19:11
  • Romans Ch 11 & 12

- Rev. Dr. Pumphrey


Contact Us

Saint Martin's College and Seminary

P.O. Box 170106
Milwaukee, WI 53217

Phone or Fax: 414.247.1451

About Saint Martin's College & Seminary

St. Martin's College and Seminary is an interdenominational institution of higher education which serves the educational needs of ministers and Christian professionals across many denominations.

Martin's College and Seminary employs the use of correspondence based, competence based distance learning methodomacklogies to provide adult learners throughout the Christian Community with opportunities to earn Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degrees in academic programs and to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve success, awareness and self actualization.

Your previous education and work experience has value in the St. Martin's degree programs. As a part of the enrollment process you can send us documentation of your previous educational experience (e.g. college transcripts, continuing education training and other types of learning that relates to your degree objectives. You may also provide your work history which evaluated for awards of credits.

Your degree not only indicates your program of study but also serves as a milestone of your achievements in academic excellence, competence, and personal. Here are some points you should consider when choosing St. Martin's College and Seminary:

    • Affordable Tuition
    • Distance Learning
    • Credits are earned through independent study
    • Portfolio Assessment Included
    • Study from the comfort of your own home
    • Progressive, Relevant, Customized
    • Professional Competency Based
    • No on campus requirement

The power of the mind and focus of your degree program is limitless! What you have learned, you have earned!